Have you ever wanted to make a change, but you felt stuck and didn’t know what to do?  Or maybe you thought of a few ideas but then got stuck and couldn’t really think outside of the box or think of anything new or creative to try?  If so, this little exercise might be helpful. It will only take an hour.

  1. Think of something in your life that you would like to change.  
  2. Take out a piece of paper and number it from 1-100.
  3.  Give it a title:  100 Ways to Change _________________.   Fill in the blank with what you want to change.

If you like color-coding, you may want to use different colors to write the numbers or highlight them according to the categories I list next.  Who doesn’t like color coding, right?  Oh wait, my husband.  Ok, never mind.  But if you’re like me and you love to look down and see those colors….go for it!

Are you ready?

Set your timer for 1 hour and let the creativity flow!  List any and all ideas you can think of that would change that area of your life.  This will get harder to do as you list more, but hang with it.  The “magic” happens the further you get into your list.

#1 – #25   These will be your no-brainers.  The things that come easily for you.  Write them down.

#26-#50  These will take you out of your comfort zone a little.  You may start feeling a little bit uneasy.  🙂  Hang in there….. you can do it!

#51 – #75  Get ready for out of the box thinking.  These are going to be your ideas that may not seem feasible or practical at first.  Go with it anyway.  Just write them down.  Don’t evaluate whether they’ll work or not.  The idea is to get your creativity going and to get your brain into the  next level.

#76 – #100  Like I mentioned earlier, this is where the “magic” happens. (I don’t really believe in magic, but I couldn’t think of another word to convey that idea)  These will be harder to come up with but you just might get that “A-ha! moment”.

Remember, limit yourself to an hour and work on your list all in one setting.  Allow yourself to be as creative as possible and don’t evaluate your ideas as you go.  Just write them down and move on to the next one.  You may be pretty surprised at what comes to the surface for you by the time you get to #100.

I would LOVE to hear how this goes for you.  Write a comment and let me know if you try this.   I can’t wait to hear the ideas God will bring to your mind.