green heart of gratitudeHappy Thanksgiving!

I’d like to pass on a podcast about the impact gratitude has on our life.  Not only does thankfulness/gratitude affect us emotionally, but there are also physical benefits.  I think you’ll really enjoy this information.  It’s presented by Susan Whitcomb on the Professional Christian Coaching Today blog

Here’s the link:  Gratitude: the Hidden Benefit of Thankfulness

One of the gratitude exercise ideas Susan shared was called Green Heart Gratitude.  The idea is to send a quick text to someone you are grateful for in your life that says:  “This green heart represents gratitude.  I send it in appreciation for ___________. ” (fill in the blank with something specific about that person)  You want to focus on a character strength, attribute, or value that they have.  It’s a great way to show your gratitude.  Not only will they get a “boost” by you sharing with them, but it actually gives you a boost as well.  Try doing that every day for several weeks and see how it impacts you.  Susan explains it in the podcast and shares other ideas as well.

I pray that you have a wonderful holiday tomorrow and that you are able to take time to reflect on the blessings in your life that you are thankful for.

Once again, Happy Thanksgiving!