Do you ever feel like you’re over-extended with multiple things to do on your list, but you know you really don’t have enough to give all of them what they really need? Something will get “less”, whether intentional or not.

I’ve been dealing with a few things in this category myself and have been praying through some tough “Yes” and “No” decisions. It’s part of life and we all have to constantly evaluate and look at our use of time, talents, and resources.

I realize that for this season of life, certain people and things are much more important than others. They’re my calling. While I can say “Yes” to many things and they would be good, they’re really not the best use of my time right now. They’re not what matters most. I must stay focused on the most important tasks and roles God has given me. To leave the legacy I want to leave in key areas of my life, it will require me to make some tough choices sometimes.

Maybe you have a decision to make.

A choice about whether to say yes or no to an opportunity.

  • What will get “less” if you say yes?
  • Is it worth it?
  • What difference would it make if you say no?

What will you do today to be intentional with your choices to make sure you’re saying “YES!” to what matters most?


What do you need to do to make sure your “YES!” is worth the less?