Happy New Year!

Have you been busy organizing and getting a fresh start?  I must admit, I really do like January first…….even though it’s just another day, something about it is so refreshing and really motivates me to reflect on the past year and think ahead to the new.

I also like the fact that it’s cold here and I usually stay home that day and get quite a bit done.  This year I spent half the day in the storage room organizing it.  It gets messed up from time to time and I have to go back in and organize it again.  <<sigh>> (How in the world did we get so many stuffed animals and Barbie dolls? )  I have all sorts of things in there, like extra dishes,  linens for the table, all of my supplies for making flower arrangements, some decorations, party supplies, our games, some toys, and extra sheets and blankets.

Sometimes, I rotate things in storage….like seasonal clothes or items….     At other times, I decide that I no longer need something and get rid of it.  Maybe it was the perfect thing at one point, but it is no longer needed.    And,  I will admit……I’ve kept a few things just because they were hard to get rid of.  Have you ever done that?  Maybe there’s an emotional tie, or a memory, or a special significance.  Sometimes it’s good to hold on to certain things.  I have containers for each of my kids with various items in them.  Other times, it’s better to let go.  Even when it’s hard.

It reminds me of how our lives sometimes have “too much stuff in them” or get a bit messy and we have to step back, see what we want to keep, decide how to organize or manage them better,  and prioritize everything.

We have seasons in our life and different priorities for each season.  Life is full of change, but sometimes we have a hard time changing.  That’s what I love about the new year and beginnings.  It’s a time to get that fresh start and prioritize what we will invest our time in and focus on for the coming year.

Growth Goals

Did you decide on any growth goals for the year?  I came up with quite a few.  I’ll be writing about some of them in various posts.  The accountability will be great.

I’ve had a lot of fun deciding on my own growth goals  for this year.  I’ve really tried to focus on things that would make the biggest difference for me and my family.  Practical….. achievable…..stretch me a bit….. but help me to grow closer to the kind of woman, wife, and mother that God would want me to be.

May God richly bless you in 2013!

I pray He will give you many opportunities to serve Him  and draw you closer to Him.  May you see His hand at work in your life and may you become the person He would have you to be!