The New Year is coming!  Are you ready to be more awesome? 🙂


With the new year, we often make resolutions or set new goals. Unfortunately, we never achieve many of them.

Maybe “being more awesome than last year” isn’t your exact resolution for the coming year, but life coaching can help you to achieve your real resolution.

What if?

What if this year could be different?  What if you did make a resolution and keep it?  It takes 21 days to develop a new habit. What if you went longer than that?  What if you spent 3 solid months working with a life coach to develop a “New You” for the New Year? 

  • What changes could you make if you devoted 2 months to work on them?
  • What would it do for you if you could accomplish the goal(s) you set for the new year?
  • How would your life be different?
  • What would it cost you if you didn’t achieve that goal?

Would it be worth it to invest in yourself for 3 months?

What are you waiting for? I’m ready! Are you?


As women, we often spend so much time and energy on everyone else and don’t really invest in ourselves or even  practice self-care.  I’ve had many women over the past few years tell me that they would love to try coaching but they know there are other things they could do for their family instead.  I get that.  I have 7 children of my own and a hubby. Investing in yourself through coaching actually benefits your family too.  I truly believe in the power of coaching and would love for all women to try coaching and see the difference it can make in their life!

I hope to meet you soon!