I told our story about making the hard decision to leave the mission field in the previous 3 posts (part 1part 2, and part 3).

So…………… let’s take this focus off of me and look at how God can use these types of experiences.

I don’t ever want it to come across as telling my story just so people “hear my story”. I always want the focus to be on God and how He uses each experience and how we can grow through them.

I truly am the person I am because of the things He has allowed me to experience. I can honestly say that I am thankful for them because of whom they have helped me to become. I learned so much about God and grew in ways that I never dreamed I would. My prayer is that God would use my experiences to share hope with others and help lead them to trust Him.

What about you?

  •  Do you have a “hardest thing”?
  • Is there something that you have had to do that, at the time, you couldn’t understand why in the world you would have to do that?
  • Have you ever had to do something that seemed like the opposite of what you were previously called to do?

If so, what did you learn from it?

  • How did it change you?
  • What impact did it have on your life?
  • Whom did you become because of it?
  • How did you grow?
  • What did God reveal about Himself to you through that experience? (What did He reveal about yourself?)

Maybe you’re facing a “hardest thing” right now. What is your next step?

Maybe you’re not even sure what to do yet.

  • What is one thing you can do now?
  • How will you let God work in your life?
  • How can you move forward and grow through this experience?
  • How does God want to use this in your life?

Although it was definitely hard to have to make the decision to leave the field, we had learned through our previous experiences how to completely trust God no matter what. So, once we knew for sure that this was what we were supposed to do, it became “easy” to follow and we had peace about our decision. (Does that make any sense?)

Are you at that point? …….trusting God no matter what…….even with (especially with) your “hardest thing”?

What’s your next step?