Tips for Setting Goals

goalsFocus on the Destination

  • Don’t make it complicated.
  • All you need is the deadline and the destination.
  • For now, just focus on where you’re going (the goal).  How you’ll get there (the action steps) come later.

Start with One Goal

  • Trying to work on 3 or 4 things at once takes a lot of time and energy.
  • It’s better to start with your expectations a little lower and increase them than to place the bar too high and set yourself up for failure.
  • Establish the pattern of meeting every goal you set.  (Success will result in more success!)


Who will you be spiritually in one year?

Can you describe the man or woman you desire to be spiritually in one year? What about in ten years?

Have you ever taken time to think about who you want to be in the future?  I mean to really envision what the future “you” will be like?

I’ve thought about that for the past few weeks.  One of the Bible studies I’m working through asked me to write out who I would like to be spiritually both one year and ten years from now.

What are my goals?  Are there any people I  look up to and would like to be like?  How would I want others to describe me?  How would I want God to describe me?   Those are great questions and really got me thinking. (more…)

Where are you going and how do you get there?

“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?”
“That depends a good deal on where you want to get to.”
“I don’t much care where –”
“Then it doesn’t matter which way you go.”
― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

Where are you going in life and how do you get there?  Do you know?  Have you thought about that?  Do you have specific goals?

What is it that you are trying to accomplish?  This is your mission. (more…)

Are you leaving the legacy you want to leave with your children?

A week ago was the 2nd anniversary of my mom’s death.  She had inflammatory breast cancer.  I’ve thought about her quite a bit the past few weeks.  I surely do miss her and over the past 2 years I have caught myself thinking that I would call her and tell her something a few times.

She loved life and was a lot of fun.  My friends always liked her and enjoyed being around her.

Mom was always active in our schooling and activities when we were younger.  She was my Pixie and Brownie leader, helped in Cub Scouts for my brother, and always volunteered as a room-mother.  One time I came home from school and told her that I had invited friends over for a party that afternoon.  I was only in 1st or 2nd grade and these “big plans” were made on the bus ride home.  After explaining the situation and talking with the other moms, my mom actually did plan and host a big Valentine’s Party for us a few weeks later.  It was a big hit and she went all out.

Those are just a few of the memories I thought about over the past few weeks. As I think back on all the memories with my own mom, there are some really funny stories as well as many other things that made a huge impact in my life.  They made me stop and reflect on my own life  as a parent. (more…)

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

Have you been busy organizing and getting a fresh start?  I must admit, I really do like January first…….even though it’s just another day, something about it is so refreshing and really motivates me to reflect on the past year and think ahead to the new.

I also like the fact that it’s cold here and I usually stay home that day and get quite a bit done.  This year I spent half the day in the storage room organizing it.  It gets messed up from time to time and I have to go back in and organize it again.  <<sigh>> (How in the world did we get so many stuffed animals and Barbie dolls? )  I have all sorts of things in there, like extra dishes,  linens for the table, all of my supplies for making flower arrangements, some decorations, party supplies, our games, some toys, and extra sheets and blankets. (more…)


Do you set SMART goals?

I’ve been reflecting on my own life and praying and thinking about personal growth goals to set for this year.  I’ve come up with quite a few.  Now, that might sound a little too optimistic or like too much to take on, but bear with me…….  although I did choose quite a few areas to grow in, I made small, specific goals that will definitely be attainable— not just another “I will get skinny this year so I will join the gym resolution” that we often think of at this time of year (and that we often give up on by the end of the first week)     Let me explain………..

A good acronym to remember when making a goal is the word  SMART.

SMART stands for:   Specific,  Measurable,  Attainable,  Relevant and  Time-Specific.

Let’s look at what this means. (more…)

Good versus Best

How do you spend your time?good best

  • Where is your focus?
  • What are your priorities?
  • What do you say yes to?
  • Do you spread yourself too thin?
  • Do you take on a lot of projects or participate in a lot of things, only to find that you really can’t give them your best because you have over-committed?
  • Do you have a hard time saying no?
  • Do you finish strong when you start something?
  • Do you even finish?

There are so many things we can fill our lives with.   Good things.  There’s nothing wrong with that.  But do our lives get so overcrowded with good things that we have no room for the best things? (more…)

No regrets

What is it about the new year that makes us stop and reflect on our life?  I think it’s a great thing to do—-at any time of the year.  But something about December rolling around and knowing there’s a new year and a fresh start around the corner makes us think about changes we’d like to make, things we did or didn’t do well in the current year (or past years), and goals we would like to set. (more…)